Three Important Steps to Accident Recovery

Auto accidents can be terrifying experiences, and those memories last longer after the accident in the form of pain and injuries from the accident itself. In order to ensure that your accident recovery goes off without a hitch, you must be aware of your injuries. While adrenaline is high and frustration apparent after an auto accident, your physical health is the most important thing you can walk away with after a collision.

Here at Apollo Chiropractor, we use several techniques to aid in the process of recovery after an accident, and we have three tips you should always use when you have back pain from a collision.

Seek Medical Attention

Before you get the registration and insurance information from the other party and file a police report, your first step is to make sure that you are in good health and have no serious injuries. If your neck feels sore or stiff after an accident, you may have a common condition known as whiplash. Back pain and injuries should be treated quickly and with the help of a chiropractor.

You may feel healthy immediately after the incident, but this doesn’t mean that you don’t need a full evaluation. Problems with your neck or back may pop up later and seriously affect your quality of life.

Treat the Problem Quickly

Don’t ignore the problem hoping it will go away. Many injuries just get worse over time, but are attributed to soreness or bruising from the accident. Visit a chiropractor quickly in order to prevent serious problems that may come from minor ailments. Many injuries can be treated with a basic massage.

Stay Hydrated

When the body is healing and recovering from an incident, it needs the right amount of fluids and rest in order to do so quickly and correctly. Drink lots of water and take the necessary time to rest your body before going back to real life.

Call Apollo

If you have been injured in some type of accident and need help on your way to recovery, call our offices today at 801-685-2862.

4 Benefits of Massage Therapy in a Pain Management Plan


When most people think of massage therapy, they think about something that is reserved for luxurious vacations or a pampering day at the spa. What you might not think about is how beneficial massage can be for many people in their everyday life, especially those who are managing chronic pain. Today many people take part in massage—and not just the spa treatment variety—to help with chronic pain. Massage may not necessarily take the place of other more traditional medical treatment options, but it can be beneficial to add to an overall pain management plan. Here’s why.


Serotonin Release


During massage, your body will release serotonin, a chemical found in the human body that is used as a neurotransmitter and is thought to be a natural anti-pain chemical. It also doesn’t come with the risks or side effects that some over-the-counter medications or prescription opioid pain relief can cause.


Deep, Restorative Sleep


A favorite saying of many doctors is that “sleep is medicine”. Getting enough sleep has tons of benefits for your body, ranging from feeling better and being more alert to regulating appetite and even reducing pain. Even if you are in bed for several hours each night, that doesn’t necessarily mean you are getting the type of sleep your body needs to heal. A lack of deep, restorative sleep (often called REM, or rapid eye movement sleep) might be aggravating your pain or preventing your body from feeling better. Massage can help you relax, helping to increase your body’s ability to get deep sleep.


Improved Fitness and Physical Function


Studies in two groups of people with the chronic pain conditions fibromyalgia and arthritis showed that massage therapy helped improve pain, reduce stiffness, and increase the physical function of those who received it on a regular basis—as evidenced by their ability to walk a distance of 50 feet in a shorter time period and while reporting less pain. Arthritis sufferers also reported that they had better grip strength and lower instances of anxiety and depression when participating in regular massage.


Reduced Anxiety and Improved Mood


The relaxation that you can achieve with massage can also help reduce anxiety and depression, conditions often associated with chronic pain. In fact, in studies conducted by the American Massage Therapy Association, patients rated massage just as high or higher than medications for its ability to provide pain relief.


Massage therapy is beneficial as part of a whole-body approach to pain management. Studies have shown it to be highly effective in helping manage chronic pain associated with arthritis, diabetes, fibromyalgia, and other similar conditions. The great news is that you don’t even have to schedule long blocks of time for your massages—many patients see benefits with as little as one to two 20-minute massages each week.


To find out more about how massage can help with your chronic pain and how it can be incorporated with other treatments from your chiropractor, visit Apollo Chiropractor today or see other areas that we serve in Salt Lake City, MurrayHolladay and Midvale.

Chiropractic Treatments That Can Help With Accident Recovery

Anyone who has experienced an auto accident knows that it can be a frightening and confusing time. The first priority following an accident is always to get proper medical care for any immediate medical conditions, especially injuries that could be potentially dangerous or life threatening. Once the initial shock of the accident is over, though, it’s critical to address any long-term health issues. Left untreated, these conditions could turn into significant chronic pain or other problems, so it’s critical to address them quickly and in the most effective way possible, which often means visiting with a chiropractor.

Most Common Car Accident Injuries

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), more than 2 million passenger vehicle occupants were injured in 2013, and 96 percent of all vehicle accidents reported to police-involved passenger vehicles. There are many factors that influence what types of injuries a passenger might sustain in an accident, but the most common ones include:

  • Whiplash
  • Headaches
  • Neck sprain
  • Mid- and low back sprains
  • Herniated discs
  • Cuts and scrapes
  • Broken ribs
  • Broken or fractured extremities, such as arms, legs, ankles, and wrists

Chiropractic Treatments for Auto Accident Injuries

While each person’s case is unique, and treatment will be different based on the individual and the injuries sustained, there are some common treatment options that you might get if you visit a chiropractor for help. Chiropractors are uniquely qualified to help with some structural and soft tissue injuries with treatments that include:

  • Manipulation
  • Exercises and stretches
  • Muscle stimulation
  • Muscle relaxation
  • Ergonomic and stabilization exercises

Chiropractic manipulation, often called spinal manipulation, is a common therapy used to treat back and neck pain. A chiropractor generally applies pressure to vertebrae that are not functioning normally, with the goal of reducing nerve pain or improving function and range of motion.

Exercises and stretches might be prescribed in cases where your injury involves soft tissue, or where it’s limiting your range of motion. In these situations, you might go to the chiropractor for some of the treatment, as well as getting some additional exercises and stretches to do on your own.

Your chiropractor may also recommend some ergonomic and stabilization exercises that you can use at home or work to increase your chances of a successful long-term recovery.

A chiropractor is specially trained to help treat some of the most common problems that come as a result of an auto accident. Getting an immediate treatment can reduce the chance that you will suffer from pain in the long term. Reach out to us and learn more about our treatments in Salt Lake CityMurrayHolladay, or Midvale.

4 Reasons You Should See a Chiropractor After an Auto Accident

A car accident can be a frightening and confusing time, and often there is a lot for a person to deal with—from police reports and insurance to injury treatment. In many cases people are also in shock and may not realize that they have an injury if it’s not visible, so they don’t immediately think about being treated. Unfortunately this can hurt you later if your injuries go untreated or get worse with time. Assuming you don’t have any life-threatening injuries, or something that would require hospitalization, here are four reasons a chiropractor should be one of your first appointments after your accident.



1: Unidentified Injuries



Not all injuries from car accidents are visible, and many people who are in accidents go into a “survival” mode, where the body releases endorphins and your pain may not be immediately evident. Sometimes the force of an accident can cause harm to your ligaments, joints, and other areas inside your body. While these won’t bleed or leave bruises on the outside, they can certainly lead to significant pain, reduced range of motion, and other limitations later.



2: Insurance Reasons



One of the key priorities for someone who has been involved in an accident—after getting proper medical attention—is to file a claim with your insurance provider. Treatment for injuries sustained in an accident should be covered by your insurance (or the insurance of another driver who was at fault), but if you don’t seek treatment right away you may have trouble proving later that the injury was caused by the accident.



3: Effective Treatment



Chiropractors are trained to provide a variety of treatment for a range of different injuries. Since the injuries sustained in a car accident can vary pretty widely, from neck pain and whiplash to headaches, back injuries, and problems with joints like your wrist, knees, elbows, ankles, and more. Chiropractors are uniquely qualified to manipulate these areas and help treat damage to bones, muscles, ligaments, joints, and tendons.



4: Legal Reasons



When the insurance provider is trying to avoid paying for injuries and other costs associated with an accident, having a skilled chiropractor who provided or is continuing to provide care for injuries you sustained, it can help provide you with evidence of the injury should you decide to pursue the case legally. They may also find injuries you were not aware that you had, and can help you get those things covered by insurance if needed.



Getting proper treatment for injuries following an accident can help reduce the chance that major or minor injuries will persist, becoming chronic pain or other health problems later down the road. Reach out to us and learn more of our treatments especially if you are in Salt Lake City, MurrayHolladay or Midvale.

Debunking Common Myths About Car Accident Recovery

When you are in a car accident, there are a lot of things that can happen immediately after, and for several months and years, that can literally change your life. It’s important to know what to expect so you can properly plan for your future, and get the help and medical care that you need to recover as much as possible. Unfortunately there are some common myths and misunderstandings out there that can make accident recovery more difficult.

Myth: People who have an injury after a car accident are just faking it.

Truth: The majority of people who suffer from an injury after an accident are actually suffering. Insurance companies might try to suggest that you did not actually suffer from any harm, but often that is to reduce their liability and the amount they will need to pay for treatment. The most common injuries suffered are to the head, neck, spine/back, or extremities like ankles, knees, hips and wrists—the places that feel the most impact when two vehicles weighing thousands of pounds collide at high speeds.

If you feel pain or have some lingering issues after a car accident, it’s critical that you get it treated as quickly as possible to diagnose and address any potential problems. Giving in to the stereotype and avoiding treatment so as not to be seen as someone faking an injury could actually cause more problems if your condition worsens over time. In some cases that condition may be treatable in the early stages, or getting early treatment could lessen the impact later in your life.

Myth: Going to the chiropractor after an accident is a waste of time

Truth: If you were in an accident and broke a bone in your arm, you would go to a hospital or urgent care clinic, get a cast on the broken bone, and receive a settlement or reimbursement to cover the costs.

With chiropractic care, treatment is often for injuries that are not easily visible. These injuries to joints, ligaments, muscles, and nerves are very real for the person who is suffering, but harder to quantify in terms of having hard evidence. Sometimes that makes it harder to get your insurance to cover the injury, but it’s important that you get proper chiropractic care and can show that it was for an injury suffered during the car accident. It’s also important that you get the care as soon as you feel pain or discomfort.

Chiropractors are the best care professionals suited for these types of injuries, so if you have an injury involving soft tissues—especially one from a car accident—see a chiropractor right away.

Myth: Car accident injuries often go away on their own within a few weeks

Truth: Some injuries may go away on their own, but that doesn’t mean all of them will resolve without proper treatment, or will resolve in a specific amount of time. In addition, not all car accident-related injuries are immediately obvious right after the accident. If you feel pain in your neck, back, hips, joints, and other areas following an accident, it’s important to seek treatment from a chiropractor who can work to help alleviate the pain. Without proper treatment, some injuries can linger for years and cause ongoing, residual pain that can impact many areas of your life.

Don’t wait to get treatment following a car accident—often the choice to see a chiropractor early on in the process can help you heal better and faster than if you decided to wait and try to heal on your own, find auto injury treatments that can help you recover properly.

4 Chronic Long-Term Injuries from Car Accidents

Car accidents are frighteningly common in the U.S.—someone is injured in this type of accident about every 10 seconds, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)—and while they are not always fatal, someone who has been in an accident might suffer the consequences of one of these long-term injuries if they fail to get the right kind of care and help following the accident.

Head, Back & Neck Injury

Injuries to the head, back and neck are some of the most common injuries that people suffer after a car accident. In fact, about 80 percent of people involved in an accident report having whiplash (damage to the muscles, nerves, joints, ligaments, and discs in the neck), causing symptoms like headaches, dizziness, and pain. While these symptoms might go away over time, more serious and long-lasting injuries can include things like traumatic brain injury (TBI), which can cause physical, motor, behavioral, and cognitive trauma, or back and neck injuries that can lead to pain, muscle spasms, and even spinal cord injury or paralysis.

Lower Extremity Injuries

The hips, knees, and legs are very vulnerable in a car accident, and may hit the dashboard or get crushed when the front or sides of a vehicle collapse. The most common injuries are bruising, fractures, and broken bones, which will generally heal well over time. In more severe cases, though, injuries to the lower extremities can reduce your mobility, making walking, running, and other physical activities difficult, and could even lead to paralysis or partial disability.

Scars or Disfigurement

One injury that you may not think about as much in a car accident is the potential for scars and disfigurement, whether from the initial injuries suffered in the accident or from the medical intervention(s) required after the accident. Although the scars or disfigurement may not cause any lack of ability in the future, they can still be psychologically damaging, and if they are severe or in a place that is normally visible (such as the face or neck) they could interfere with your ability to get a job, and could have an impact on interpersonal relationships as well.

Mental Health Issues

Another “hidden” danger of car accidents is the potential that you might suffer from mental health issues related to driving or traveling in a vehicle. A study by British researchers in 2001 found that one year after an accident, as many as one-third of people involved in non-fatal crashes suffered from conditions such as:

  • Post-traumatic stress
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Phobias

These mental health issues are also not exclusive to the driver, the study found. In fact, passengers were more likely to suffer the long-term mental health consequences than the person in the driver’s seat. This stress can impact you at work, cause sleeplessness, and interfere with your relationships, and should be addressed as quickly as possible, especially if you find you are still experiencing them more than two or three months after an accident.

Receiving proper treatment post-accident is essential to your recovery over the long term. Contact Apollo Chiropractic in Salt Lake CityMurrayHolladay or Midvale to know more.

4 Potential Long-Term Injuries from Car Accident

Being involved in an automobile accident can be frightening, and often the shock of the crash is enough to mask some of the more long-term consequences that you and your body might suffer. If you are involved in an accident, getting the right medical attention and care immediately following the crash, and long-term, can make a significant difference in your accident recovery. Here are four potential long-term injuries that many people suffer after accidents.

Back Injuries

The most common types of back injuries that people suffer after being involved in a car accident are either herniated disks or bulging disks. The disks that normally provide support and cushioning between your spinal vertebrate can slip out of place and push against the nerve, or the cartilage can become damaged so the fluids inside the disk bulge and push on the nerve. In some cases you might only feel some slight pain when you initially get in the accident, but the long-term consequences of these injuries can be debilitating if you don’t get it treated.

Neck Injuries

Perhaps the most common neck injury that people suffer when they are involved in an accident is whiplash. This painful condition occurs when your vehicle is suddenly impacted (from behind, from the side, or if you crash into something) and your head snaps back and forth. You might feel some immediate pain in your neck with this injury, or it could take up to several days for the pain to surface. It’s best to see a medical professional if you suspect you might have suffered whiplash so you can get any treatment costs covered by insurance following the accident.

Concussion or TBI

Head injuries are also extremely dangerous, and in many cases you might not even be aware that there is a problem immediately after the accident. The two most common head injuries people suffer when they are in an accident are concussions and traumatic brain injury (TBI). A concussion is a brain injury that requires attention and care to prevent long-term consequences and even death in severe cases. If you suffered a significant brain injury, you could also find that you have TBI, which can impact your life in many different ways. Speaking with a personal injury attorney (after getting proper medical treatment) can help you get the compensation you deserve from the insurance to cover the costs of these injuries.

Lower Extremity Injuries

Another common place people get injured after an accident is in their lower extremities, such as the hips, thighs, knees, and ankles. If your vehicle is involved in a front-end collision, the steering wheel, dashboard, and even parts of the engine can crush your lower legs and hips. In some cases, you might experience such severe damage to these areas that your life will be permanently impacted.

After an Accident

The most important thing following an accident is that you receive proper emergency medical attention and care. Oftentimes your body is filled with adrenaline after an accident, and you may not immediately realize that you are injured. That’s why you should always visit an urgent care center to get checked out by a doctor after a motor vehicle accident.

Some lingering soreness after a car accident is expected; however, if you have pain that lasts for more than a few days, we recommend you make an appointment to come in to see one of our chiropractors.

We can do an evaluation and begin a treatment program to relieve your pain so that you can work, sleep and enjoy life again.

Help Seeking Compensation for Your Accident

Our team also works with your insurance company as well as your personal injury or auto accident attorney to provide the documentation you need, should you decide to take legal action regarding your accident.

While legal action may indeed be a priority in your case, we urge you not to put off medical treatment during this time. Waiting to receive the care that you need can not only affect your quality of life, but it can also make any damage that has been done more difficult — or impossible — to reverse.

Get the recovery that you might need from such accidents. Contact Apollo Chiropractic and get more information about our services and treatments in Salt Lake City, Murray, Holladay and Midvale.

Do I Have Whiplash? How to Find Out

If you have ever strained your neck after a particularly jarring ride at an amusement park, or been involved in an accident and experienced severe neck pain afterward, you have probably felt whiplash, which affects the soft tissues in your neck. It’s important to understand what this injury is, and how to find treatment if you do experience it.


How You Get Whiplash


Whiplash is caused by a sudden and jarring impact that results in an unnatural movement in the overall structure of your neck. Normally your neck has a small natural curve at the top where it connects the upper back to the skull, but when your head suddenly and unexpectedly is thrown backward and forward, it can disrupt the natural curve and cause injury to the joints, muscles, ligaments, and bones in the neck and upper back.



The most common way that people get whiplash is from an auto accident, particularly when you are rear-ended by another vehicle, or when someone hits you head-on.


Common Whiplash Symptoms


The primary symptom that people feel after they experience whiplash is soreness or pain in the upper back and neck. It may begin immediately after the jarring impact (such as the car accident), or it may develop over several hours, days, weeks, or even months. The most common things to look for include:


  • Spasms or pain in the neck and upper back muscles
  • Pain when you try to move your head
  • Concussion symptoms, such as dizziness or fatigue
  • Burning or tingling sensations
  • Difficulty swallowing or chewing, or hoarseness, which could indicate damage to the esophagus or larynx


Treating Whiplash


If you are ever involved in an accident, it’s important to seek medical treatment for potential injuries right away. In some cases you might be in shock or you may not initially think that you have a neck injury, but getting immediate treatment can help prevent it from getting worse over time and can help you prove that the injury was related to the auto accident, which can help you with insurance claims to cover the costs of whiplash treatment.


Diagnosing whiplash may start with an X-ray, CT, or MRI scan, and treatment can include wearing a soft brace to immobilize the neck while it heals, medications to reduce pain and swelling, chiropractic care that includes spinal manipulation or mobilization, and physical therapy to restore range of motion.


If you think you might have suffered whiplash, or you were recently involved in an auto accident and have some lingering pain and symptoms, contact Apollo Chiropractic today to find out about our whiplash therapy.

The Double Trouble of ‘Shneck’ Pain

‘Shneck pain’ or shoulder and neck pain is certainly a pain in the neck. There’s nothing more annoying and inconvenient than not knowing which is which—where the real pain comes from.


In the many years we’ve been practicing chiropractic care, most of our patients come to us, complaining about shoulder pain, when in reality, they’re suffering neck problems. Still, some go to us and ask for neck pain treatments, when the condition is actually a masked shoulder injury.



There’s a good reason a lot of people experience this ‘mix-up’ of pain, and it is because the neck and shoulder are closely connected by a bundle of nerve pathways. When something happens to your body, the brain is sometimes unable to trace pain pathways and pinpoint the source. This is why what you’re feeling might not actually be where you think it is.


The Culprits for the Shneck Pain


Shneck pain commonly happens when there is damage in the soft tissues, including the ligaments, tendons, and muscles within these structures. Damage usually happens after a whiplash. The sudden jolt in car accidents may cause injury to the ligaments and muscles in the neck and shoulders. It may also trigger muscle spasms in these areas.


Another condition that can cause shneck pain is degenerative arthritis. This health problem can pinch nerves that send pain signals in the neck and shoulders. Shoulder and neck pain may also be a symptom of heart attack. Younger women are more prone to this. Rather than the chest pains typical among patients, they suffer problems in the neck and shoulders, too.


The Combat against the Culprits


It’s easy to mistake one problem for the other. This is why you should seek diagnosis so you can receive proper medical care. While you may certainly get different therapies, we believe that the best treatment for neck and shoulder pains is chiropractic care.


Chiropractic methods don’t just get rid of pain. It gets to the root of the problem. It helps fix stuck joints and removes pinched nerves, and also brings back efficient movement in the affected areas. We strongly recommend consulting us for chiropractic care to treat shneck pain. Our team of chiropractors offer different pain relief therapies that can make the road to recovery more successful.


Here at Apollo Chiropractor, we prioritize your health. If you are in Salt Lake City, Murray, Holladay or Midvale, contact us today so we can get started on tailoring a treatment for your specific needs.

3 Common Auto Accident-Related Injuries

Being involved in a car accident can be a scary situation, and whether you are at fault or not, there is a risk that you could be injured. Sometimes injuries are obvious, such as cuts and scratches from broken glass, but in other situations these injuries are inside your body and may not be visible to the emergency care providers who arrive on the scene. These injuries have the potential to be even more damaging in the long term because you may not realize you have them until well after the accident. Be on the lookout for these three common injuries so you can get proper auto injury treatment.

Neck Injuries

The most common type of neck injury from an accident is whiplash, but these types of injuries can range from just mild strains to serious and even potentially life-threatening neck fractures. The high velocity impact of a vehicle accident often causes your head to whip back and forth, and while you may not feel the effects of the whiplash right away you’ll often notice that your neck is sore and you’re having trouble moving it over the next few days. Getting whiplash therapy can help.

Head Injuries

Most drivers and passengers in an auto accident who suffer from head injuries suffer from the closed-head kind, meaning you won’t see the damage visibly on the outside. In mild forms these head injuries can be a minor concussion, but in serious forms they can involve traumatic brain injury. When the head whips back and forth it puts your brain at risk of jostling between the sides of the skull and could suffer from bruising or other damage. Be sure to get checked by a medical professional following any serious accident.

Back Injuries

Back injuries are also common for drivers as the force of impact places significant pressure and torque on the spine. These injuries might include:

  • Back sprain
  • Back strains
  • Fractured spine or discs
  • Disc injury
  • Thoracic spine injury
  • Lumbar spine injury

Similar to neck injuries, the initial shock of the accident may mask the pain in your back, but it’s a good idea to go to a hospital or doctor and get checked immediately for potential back problems after an accident. That way if you do suffer an injury you can trace it to the accident and potentially get the costs of treatment covered by your insurance.

If the injury is bothering you but doesn’t require hospitalization, talk to a chiropractor to find out if he or she can help you reduce the pain, eliminate stiffness and treat some of the symptoms of whiplash or other similar injuries, such as blurred vision, headaches, dizziness, and reduced range of motion.

Get the recovery that you might  be in need of. Contact Apollo Chiropractic and get more information about our services and treatments in Salt Lake CityMurrayHolladay or Midvale.