
Long-Term Chiropractic Benefits: Mental Health, Injuries, Mobility

long-term chiropractic benefits injuries

Within the realm of chiropractic care and several other forms of bodily treatment, there tends to be a focus on the short-term. This is understandable, of course — many peopl ...

ATV Injuries: How Chiropractic Care Benefits Sufferers

ATV injuries chiropractic care benefits

In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some basic facts on ATV injuries and the kinds of symptoms they may pose. Such accidents can be just as dangerous as car coll ...

SLC ATV Injuries: Basics, Stats and Symptoms

AV injuries stats symptoms

While the most common form of vehicle accident occurs in passenger vehicles driving on the road, this is far from the only type that may take place. There are several other forms o ...

Posture for New Mothers: Picking Up, Carrying, Carrier

posture new mothers carrying

In part one of this two-part blog series, we looked at some basic tips on posture for new mothers who have recently given birth to a child. This is a wonderful period in any woman ...

Posture for New Mothers: Baby and Crib Themes to Consider

posture new mothers baby crib

At Apollo Chiropractic, we’re proud to serve as the best family chiropractic service in Salt Lake City. We offer services to a huge range of clients up and down the age spect ...